For you I was a flame, love is a losing game. Five story fire as you came, love is a losing game. One I wish I never played, oh, what a mess we made. And now the final frame, love is a losing game. Played out by the band, love is a losing hand. More than I could stand, love is a losing hand. Self professed, profound, till the chips were down. Know you're a gambling man, love is a losing hand. Though I'm rather blind, love is a fate resigned. Memories mar my mind, love is a fate resigned. Over futile odds and laughed at by the gods. And now the final frame, love is a losing game.
7 minutes (2020) Best Quality ansehen
Hace 3 años
5 talk way too much:
te puse en mis links :)
jaja, es bunisimo ese collarcito jaja:P
bueno, me alegro de que te hayan arreglado la pc :)
te quiero muchisimo(L)
un beso, nos vemos
gracias por pasar! ay ahora tengo mas ganas de leer Twilight entonces, me voy a poner las pilas y espero qe la facu me deje leerlo jaja. me re gusto tu blog y tenemos muchos gustos musicales parecidos. te agrego a mis links asi paso mas seguido. un besote =)
le tenia unas ganas a ese collar cuando lo vi en complot! lástima que ya habia gastado la plata -.-
Saludos Danii
Genial ese collar dsagfah volvio dany al mundo blogger,great :P Besotess!
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