Getting older, feeling colder, going wilder.

So far away; come on, I'll take you far away. Let's get away; come on, let's make a get away. Once you have loved someone this much; you doubt it could fade. Despite how much you'd like it to; God, how you'd like it to fade. Let's fade together. If we get away, you know we might just stay away; so stay awake, why the hell should I stay awake when you're far away? Oh, God, you are so far away. I looked your wall, saw that old passport photograph; I look like I've just jumped the Berlin Wall. Berlin, I love you; I'm starting to fade. Let's fade together.

5 talk way too much:

Agostina Julieta dijo...

jaajja me rei mucho con la conv del pepsi music :P
un beso
aii una pregunta como hiciste para sacar las entradas para luna nueva??? :)

Sofía Alvado dijo...

Uh es fantástica esa foto... todas las uñas están pintadas :D

Guido Chiesa dijo...

a mi me gusta robbie williams!

ya esta, lo dije


give me endless summer (8)

Kalab Kalash dijo...

negra no entiendo una verga los comentarios..
y no me contaste nada puta!

te kieeero ♥

leslie dijo...

qué lindos lyrics dany
un besote enorme !:)