When we look back at it all as I know we will; you and me, wide eyed. I wonder, will we really remember how it feels to be this alive? And I know we have to go, I realize we only get to stay so long. Always have to go back to real lives, where we belong. When we think back to all this and I'm sure we will; me and you, here and now. Will we forget the way it really is? Why it feels like this and how? And we always have to go, I realize we always have to say goodbye. Always have to go back to real lives, but real lives are the reason why we want to live another life, we want to feel another time; yeah, another time. And I know we have to go, I realize we always have to turn away. Always have to go back to real lives, but real lives are why we stay for another dream, another day; for another world, another way. One last time before it's over, one last time before the end; one last time before it's time to go again.
7 minutes (2020) Best Quality ansehen
Hace 3 años
8 talk way too much:
noo, que linda la foto:)
te amo dani, un beso!
la seguimos por msn ;)
que linda foto,
y que linda canción,
amo tu blog =)
un bessso.-
no entiendo la foto
Yo practicamente me esoty muriendo por ir al personal a ver a Paramore, aunqe todavia no sea cien por ciento seguro qe vienen, tengo MUCHAS ganas de ir, y me va a importar tres pepinos no tener 18, yo me hago amiga del patovica y entro igual!
aajj saludos:)
si odio esas presentaciones x_x
primero que es una desorganizacion TOTAL
todos coriendo para todos lados a ultimo momento u.ú
Creo que te voy a robar el blog,me gusta muchoo ahhh :P,pero bueno seguire con el mio u.u(?).
Jjajaja re linda la foto,tenes vocación de fotografa(?).Saludos!
que lindo tu blog me re gustoo
todo en blanco y negroo (L)
che q linda las uñascon esas pintitass muy original
te djeo besitos que estes bien
"Always have to go back to real lives, where we belong" esa frase me hace taaanto ruido hoy..
Que buen lugar el de la foto!
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