I love all of you, hurt by the cold, so hard and lonely too, when you don't know yourself. My friends are so distressed, and standing on the brink of emptiness; No words I know of to express this emptiness. Imagine me, taught by tragedy, release is peace; I heard a little girl and what she said was something beautiful: "to give your love, no matter what".
7 minutes (2020) Best Quality ansehen
Hace 3 años
4 talk way too much:
Que linda esa foto! Y que linda la letra de ese tema de los Red Hot, creo que no lo conozco jaja. Un beso nena, cuidate =)
lindisimos lyrics dany te pasas jaja. te quiero(L
Todo el One Hot Minute de los RHCP es simplemente un derroche de arte tremendo, mis favs: Aeroplane y My Friends, siempre m dan escalofríos y quedo afónico no matter what!
how many life and livin' strange (creo que decía asi)
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