How many special people.

I love all of you, hurt by the cold, so hard and lonely too, when you don't know yourself. My friends are so distressed, and standing on the brink of emptiness; No words I know of to express this emptiness. Imagine me, taught by tragedy, release is peace; I heard a little girl and what she said was something beautiful: "to give your love, no matter what".

4 talk way too much:

Antonellaa- dijo...

Que linda esa foto! Y que linda la letra de ese tema de los Red Hot, creo que no lo conozco jaja. Un beso nena, cuidate =)

leslie dijo...

lindisimos lyrics dany te pasas jaja. te quiero(L

del 503 al sv dijo...

Todo el One Hot Minute de los RHCP es simplemente un derroche de arte tremendo, mis favs: Aeroplane y My Friends, siempre m dan escalofríos y quedo afónico no matter what!

rodrigo apesta dijo...

how many life and livin' strange (creo que decía asi)