Day after day, I let you down, promise you to change, then change my mind; and every time I promise you it will all be fine, it won't be like this next time. The days you wait turn into years, always wait, helpless tears, hopeless nights, and all the fears; it will always be like this. You give me everything you have, hoping it will someday be enough to melt my heart, to make me fall in love. Day after day, I let you down, promise you to change it all, then change my mind; and every time I promise you soon be fine, it won't be like this next time. But tonight we play, I think, the final act; I push too hard and you crack. Walk away, don't look back; this time you've really gone. You give me everything you have, knowing it can never be enough; my heart's too old, too hard, too cold for your love.
7 minutes (2020) Best Quality ansehen
Hace 3 años
3 talk way too much:
Mi danyy(LL)
playplay, come on let's play O: oh que dijiste eh xP, es que ya se me salio lo gringo que llevo dentro(?) waa como ves, te dije que no me ivas a sacar de aqui(?) waa espero que cuando regreses de los XV que por cierto hasta super invitacion de honor tuviste xP nono(: pero asi te quiero, colada & todo(?) jajaja bueno mi dany ya te dejo, aunque seguire escuchando musica en tu blog, es que "tu blog es como mi propia marca personal de heroina"(?) jajajajaja xD bueno te quiero, por cierto saludos a Jasper de parte de Edward & mia(;
with Love;
tu carlie(:
Me gustó la foto es taaaaaaaaaan sencilla y linda n.n
EEEEEEESAAAA, donde sacaste esa foto? yeaaaah en el bafweek ;)
te quiero
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