No choice now, it's too late. Let him go, he gave up, I gave up. Lisa says: «Take time for me», dropping him down to his knees. Ah, chest down. Take me away; see, I've got to explain. Things, they have changed in such a permanent way. Life seems unreal, can we go back to your place? Oh, «You drink too much» makes me drink just the same. People tried, felt so right. Giving themselves good advice; looking down sometimes felt nice. He knows it's justified to kill to survive; he then in dollars makes more dead than alive. Let's suck more blood, let's run three hours a day; the world is over but I don't care 'cause I am with you. Now, I've got to explain. Things, they have changed in such a permanent way. Life seems unreal, can we go back to your place? «You drink too much» makes me drink just the same. The first time, it happened too fast; the second time, I thought it would last. We all like it a little different.
7 minutes (2020) Best Quality ansehen
Hace 3 años
6 talk way too much:
I jumped onto your profile through the Next bog button, and im glad i did,
freakin awesome layout,
really creative and original, loving the orange writing in the middle of the white.
great blog. im becoming a follower!
if you have chance stop by mine
muy buena canción. me encanta tu blog dany, jaja desde siempre, es buenisimo porque subis la cancion, en letra y música y te juro las elegís bárbaro porque te dejan pensando posta.
un besote enorme, por acá todo genial como siempre
mal, paja total cursarr
gracias por pasar
Buenas, pasé de casualidad y me colgué viendo la estética del blog y la onda. Te gusta muy buena musica!
Seguro que me daré otra vuelta en el futuro,
Antes de ayer me baje música de los Strokes!♥
a mi me asesina el alma (?) cuando dicen LOS strokes. no se, o a vos te gustaria que les dijeran the redonditos de ricota (?) (me salieron ellos, que son malisimos. mal. pero bueno no se iba a decir you are not going to like it pero era irreconocible (?))
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